West Yorkshire Liaison and Diversion has been commissioned to deliver West Yorkshire RECONNECT and Mental Health Treatments Requirements that support adults throughout the criminal justice systems across West Yorkshire.

West Yorkshire RECONNECT

RECONNECT is a holistic care after custody service that seeks to ensure that individuals with identified health needs who are leaving prison or an immigration removal centre (IRC) receive access to ongoing care and support. The service works with them before they leave to help them transition to community-based services and ensure any health gains made whilst in prison or an IRC are maintained.

RECONNECT was mobilised in West Yorkshire across three secure estates, HMP Newhall, HMP Leeds and HMP Wealstun.

Mental Health Treatment Requirements

A Mental Health Treatments Requirement (MHTR) is a Community Sentence Treatment Requirement available in the Judiciary for sentencing within a community or suspended sentence order. An MHTR may be used to address a full range of mental health issues from low level depression and anxiety to more severe issues requiring secondary care support.

We have recently been commissioned to deliver MHTRs and are working to mobilise the service.